Thursday, April 22, 2010

story: 100% serious business

Once upon a time, Jenna and her co-worker were working at the cafe Re Entry Espresso during odd hours. They were supervising a student film crew filming a short film in Re Entry, about donuts, and they were all 100 percent SERIOUS BUSINESS. The Re Entry employees were there to close up the shop after they were done, which wouldn't be until the middle of the night! Jenna made her co worker hang out for a really long time to keep her company. As the two were taking a break by the outside basement door, a furious gust of wind slammed it shut, locking the poor girl and the young Jenna outside. Oh no! Feeling like it was an urgent emergency, the two girls sprang out of the doorway, running down the block like maniacs through the worst wind storm of '09. I forget the rest but something about how they got inside and weirded out everyone else by their hilarity.

The End.

From Jenna K

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that wind storm! It scared the daylights out of my cat Gerald and I!